I developed a new brand identity for Kuching Cat Museum, located in Malaysia. This museum is devoted to all things feline where one can experience galleries filled with cat photos, art, and souvenirs. Through extensive research, I was able to design and illustrate elements that best represents the country, while also providing a friendly and approachable feel to symbolize the playfulness of a cat museum.
The custom logo represents the Malaysian flag, with the cat taking the shape of a moon and holding onto a star, mirroring the formation of the moon and star on the national flag. Additionally, the logo incorporates nine points on each star to symbolize the nine divisions in the Kuching division. Considering the lighthearted atmosphere of a cat museum, a vibrant color palette has been chosen, making teal and yellow the primary colors throughout the brand.
The applications present a lively and friendly feel though the utilization of fun, bright colors along with whimsical, eye-catching illustrations that represents the country of Malaysia:
Admission Ticket | Stationery | Gift Wrapping Paper

Admission Tickets


Gift Wrapping
